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Mental health is one of the most overlooked aspects of health in modern times. Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans have a mental health problem? There has been some stigma surrounding it and its treatment, even though it has been due to a local misconception about the illness. It is why people avoid getting help when in desperate need. They fear being judged by their relatives and loved ones, even though simple logic dictates that we get help when we are hurt or in danger. 

This is why mental health awareness month is significant. Every year, in May, people in the United States celebrate this day. On a global scale, the World Health Organization celebrates this day in the month of October to bring awareness to the dangers of mental health disorders and the solutions to these disorders. 

This day is called the World Mental Health Day, and it has become popular over the years in bringing awareness to mental health problems and removing the stigma attached to having these problems. 

When Did Mental Health Awareness Month Start?

The first Mental Health Awareness Month was in 1949 and was commemorated by the Mental Health America Organization. They were known as the National Committee for Mental Hygiene. Still, they later changed their name to the National Mental Health Association before finally switching to their present name. The association was kickstarted by Connecticut-born Clifford Whittingham Beers. 

He was born in 1876 and had five children who suffered from mental illnesses. He had no choice but to admit them all into mental institutions, but this didn’t go as well as he planned. At the time, he noticed that these mental institutions had a nack for malpractice, bias, and maltreatment towards patients in their care. 

Clifford Beers went on to write a book called “A Mind That Found Itself,” which became a bestseller even till today. With time, he began to gain some popularity among the professionals in the field and went on to become the founder of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene. In the Committee, Beers and his colleagues carried out research to find ways in giving people with a mental condition the proper care when receiving treatment while eliminating the stigma they might feel

Since then, they have hosted the event every year in May with a theme highlighted for each year to raise awareness. During the month, the media and other mediums cover the event. You will find political figures, actors, and other celebrities gracing the event to show their support for the cause. 

What To Do On Mental Health Awareness Month

  • Reassess your health: Many people do not realize that they are suffering from some type of mental health condition until the condition worsens. Understandably, life has its ups and downs, and most people would assume that it is just a phase. The sad reality is that some mental issues are solvable while others are not. This is why you should check yourself and decide to see a medical professional for proper assessment. Regardless of whether you have an illness or not, you will do yourself a lot of good if a medical professional puts you in the clear or notices a disease in the early stages. 
  • Remember your loved ones: no thanks to the stigma associated with mental illness, it is almost impossible to see family members vocal about their mental problems. If they had a listening ear that comes without judgment, they might be able to express their worries more. This is why you need to put in some effort in checking on your family members from time to time and being there for them. Lend them a listening ear and do not make them feel isolated when you find out that they have mental issues. Your support would give them the confidence needed to begin their journey toward recovery. 
  • Talk more: you want to create awareness about mental health issues and speak out about them. The more people know about it, the more normalized it becomes. Once it becomes normalized in your circle of friends, it begins to spread and get normalized elsewhere. In time, the stigma will reduce, and mental health will be taken more seriously by the whole world. 

The Benefits of This Month

A necessary platform: mental health awareness needs to be taken seriously worldwide. The best way to enjoy one’s life to the fullest is to take every aspect of one’s health as seriously as possible. Thanks to Mental Health Awareness Month, spreading the word about mental health issues have gotten the necessary platform they need. However, you also do not need to wait till it’s mental health awareness month before talking about mental health. 

You need to make sure everyone around you feels comfortable talking about these issues so that progress can happen a lot faster. 

A day to celebrate a change in beliefs: at some point, people used to believe that mental illness resulted from demonic possessions and many other absurd reasons. This shows that we have come a long way in changing the narrative and shedding some light on the issues that mental health carries. 

With time, these issues would become more acceptable for discussion in public, and many people will be aware of everything it entails.

Celebrating Humanity: We need to make everyone feel welcome, regardless of their circumstances. The support given to people with mental issues during Mental Health Awareness Month has done a great deal in helping them feel more accepted in society. This is a win and a significant step in making more people feel comfortable sharing their mental health issues and getting help. 

Mental Health Treatment Options in California

We have come a long way in making mental health issues an acceptable part of society today. Thanks to the Mental Health Awareness Month celebration, many more people are knowledgeable on these issues and are more hospitable with the people suffering from them

To learn more about mental health treatment options available in California call (866) 476-2823 and talk to the caring members of the Story Wellness team.