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There is no denying that everyone wants happiness, and some people will do anything for it. However, many things can get in the way of our happiness. Perhaps it’s a hard job or a relationship gone bad. Maybe it’s a challenging situation or an unfortunate circumstance. People let many factors dictate their happiness, even though they don’t have to when thinking of Steps to a Happy Life. 

It’s very easy to get caught up in the things that go wrong in our lives. Nevertheless, an individual can live a life full of joy no matter the circumstance. Leading a life of happiness does not have to be difficult; in fact, it should be the opposite. Here are three steps to a happy life.  

Steps to Leading a Happy Life

Prioritize Your Mental Health

A person’s mind is the most precious part of them. Living a happy life is nearly impossible if a person is not taking care of their mental state. As a society, we have finally begun to realize the importance of mental health and its huge role in our happiness. Talking about mental wellbeing is accepted and welcomed now more than ever before. 

One of the most important things you can do to prioritize your mental health is to be open and honest about feelings. If you experience any negative thoughts, feelings, or emotions, you need to express them in a healthy manner. Examples of this would be venting to a trusted friend, engaging in physical activities, journaling, or going to therapy. It is also essential to reach out to a healthcare professional if you feel that your mental health is suffering due to a suspected mental illness. 

A huge part of putting your mental state first is spending time with yourself and allowing your body and mind to rest. Self-care is the act of doing seemingly small, ordinary things multiple times a day to keep yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy. Simple tasks like taking adequate breaks, saying “no” more often, deep breathing, or going for a walk are small steps an individual can take to bring a sense of mental wellbeing. 

Reciting self-love affirmations throughout your day, taking a bubble bath after a workday, or treating yourself to an at-home skincare routine are all little ways you can decompress, unwind, release stress, and ultimately take care of yourself. 

It is important to note that putting mental health first and practicing self-love should not be viewed as selfish or vain. There is nothing selfish about wanting to live a happier healthier lifestyle. After all, you are only as happy as your mind, and there’s no sense in worrying about the future when you’re focusing on the present. 

Find Your Community

The people you choose to surround yourself with significantly impact your happiness. Oftentimes, we start to become like the very people we spend our time with. So, if you are around negative people, you’ll likely become one yourself! 

Forming meaningful friendships and strong bonds with others will greatly influence your life. The Mayo Clinic lists several benefits of having friends, such as:

  • Increased sense of belonging and purpose in life
  • Boost your happiness and reduce stress
  • Help you cope with trauma
  • Help you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits

The friends you keep also affect your physical health.

Adults who are socially enriched are at a lesser risk for developing depression, high blood pressure, and problems associated with obesity. Some studies show that adults who form meaningful friendships are likely to live longer than their peers. 

Moreover, finding people who share similar interests or have common goals will allow you to make connections based on shared passions. Forming strong social bonds allows people to come out of their shells and enjoy who they are as a person. Everyone needs people they can truly feel free to be themselves around. Having a community promotes acceptance, gifts you with lifelong friends, and ultimately makes you a lot happier in life. 

Discover Your Passion

This is a vital step in achieving a happy life because passion is something that gives an individual extreme joy. A passion is often an outlet that people turn to when they want to do something that makes them happy. A passion is something that you could do over and over again and not get tired of it. That is why it is so imperative that you go after your passion. 

Some say that their passion is also their calling. A calling is often described as what people believe they were placed on this earth to do, and it is strongly related to their sense of purpose. Discovering these things about yourself will largely contribute to your overall happiness as a person. 

There are many things a person can do to discover their passions. One might start with hobbies. You can start to see which of your hobbies bring you immense satisfaction, and which hobbies are just things you do in your spare time. You can also try new things because you are worthy of love. 

There may be a chance that you have not yet encountered your passion. Finding your passion, pursuing that passion, and doing more of the very thing you love will greatly influence your life’s happiness.

Pay attention, and once you discover your passion, don’t just stop there. Make time to do the thing you love often. Let it be an everyday part of your life, not just the thing you go to when you find the time. Adjust your schedule to make room for your passion and see how it transforms your life.  

Mental Health Treatment Programs in Southern California  

Chances are if you follow these three steps, you will see an incredible improvement in your day-to-day life. Many things can bring a person happiness; however, if you follow steps and begin to hold yourself accountable you will see just how much control you have over your happiness. Prioritizing your mental health, finding a community, and discovering your passions will lead you to live a life you love. 

If you, or someone you love, is struggling with depression or in need of guidance, call (866) 476-2823 today and a member of the Story Wellness team will be happy to answer questions and discuss treatment options.